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Highlands Holiday Hop

Event Branding & Organization

During my time as director of Highlands Arts Alliance, I had pitched an idea to the Highlands community: Since several organizations and businesses tended to schedule their holiday events around the same time each year, why not collaborate and make it a united day of festivities?!


Inspired by the "Shop Hops" of neighboring towns, the Highlands Holiday Hop intended not only to promote the local economy but the town's artists and non-profits as well, in addition to providing festive family-friendly activities and entertainment. Residents could visit local businesses to shop for gifts and fill out a raffle card for a chance to win a big-screen TV, enter a holiday cookie contest, children could get their photos taken with Santa, enjoy penny socials, makers markets and more.


In addition to coordinating with volunteers, businesses and other organizations, I took it upon myself to design all of the event material. From lawn signs to web graphics, info packets to raffle cards, there was a lot to tackle! I'd also created and maintained an informational page on the Arts Alliance's website to provide all of the event information.


And let me just add that this was truly a community event! None of it would've happened without the energy, support, assistance, resources and enthusiasm of so many residents of the Town of Highlands, NY!


In addition to design and organizing, decorating Memorial Park was also on my list of responsibilities!

Select designs:

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