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Brid's Closet Metaphysical Shop

Event Branding

In 2017, the 10th Annual Beltane Spring Festival was an occasion for celebration! I volunteered my services to help organize the family-friendly event at Palaia Winery in Highland Mills, NY. This work included not only soliciting and planning vendor logistics, but just as important, creating a visually cohesive branding for all assets leading up to the day of the festival.


Beginning in the summer of 2016, it was my job to handle everything from stationery design (and copy writing) for the organization committee, to full color posters and booklets, Facebook Event page graphics, advertising for fundraisers and even a promotional webpage. Additionally, this entailed working directly with printers to obtain price quotes and arrange for final production.

Pictured is the 11"W x 17"H full color poster displayed in many local establishments to promote the festival.

Thumbnail of Beltane festival poster design

Select designs:

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